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Assessment Reports

Vendor Management, RFQ and Procurement Auction, Contract, Delivery, Audit and Payment

ProcurePulse Contract Management

Assessing vendor performances based on contractual terms is made seamless in ProcurePulse. Multiple tasks pertaining to each contract term can be configured in Contract Terms Master. These tasks can be collated to create a comprehensive Contract Compliance Report.

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Contract Compliance Report

ProcurePulse contains a dynamic report generator that consists of various fields such as Vendor Name, Terms, Contract Start & End Date, Payment terms, etc that can be filtered out as needed. 


The user can load the reports as per his use case

 with the necessary fields.


Status reports are also present to assist with quicker TATs in closing contracts.


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Report Generator


The user can load the reports as per his use case

 with the necessary fields.


Status reports are also present to assist with quicker TATs in closing contracts.

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ProcurePulse Contract Management

Contract Compliance Reports clearly reflect gaps in adherences which can be monitored and bridged.

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Supply &


RFQ and


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Vendor Audits &

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Purchase Order  
and Contract




Connect with Us

Our consultants have vast experience in digitally transforming the processes of managing procurement, vendors and contracts for large organisations. 

Connect with us for a detailed study our your requirements. Our consultants can suggest some of the best practices followed by industry leaders.

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